Bridget Funiciello


What’s your “best-at?”

Understanding how intricate puzzle pieces work together to create the big picture. It allows me to apply both creative interests and analytical skills to dissect a problem from every angle and come up with a constructive, well-rounded solution that serves the team, the project, the client, and the learner.


I joined Ohlinger Studios in February 2016 to start up digital and print production services and expand our end-to-end publishing capabilities. I began serving as Chief Operating Officer in 2023. My focus involves strategizing and enabling effective operations that bring together teams, processes, and technology to deliver accessible learning content. I also support our business development efforts and am engaged in our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) task force.

During my career, I’ve managed textbook and digital production for a composition house, a major higher-education publisher, and a software company. Through my varied experience, I’ve gained unique perspectives and abilities, allowing me to excel at transforming content, building digital publishing models from scratch, and guiding cohesive teams to create quality products.

Though born and raised in the Midwest, I now call upstate New York home, where I live with my husband, two sons, and two rescue pups.