Melissa Feimer

What impact do you hope to have on the world through your work? 

I truly hope my work has a positive impact on the education of tomorrow’s leaders, providing them the building blocks of critical thinking and curiosity. 


I have spent my 20+ year career working in educational publishing across multiple disciplines. I have always been passionate about bringing the best quality learning solutions to the widest audience possible. My focus has been largely editorial and production project management. I continually strive to leverage project management best practices to ensure efficient and effective results.  

Before joining Ohlinger Studios, I managed a team of content producers through the content creation and production processes for both print and digital products.  

I graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a B.A. in English language and literature. In my down time, I am an avid equestrian. I also maintain a small flock of rescued ducks and chickens, and I enjoy spending time with my three dogs and my partner, Matt.