Patrice Jones


What inspires you?

Great storytelling inspires me. Whether photography, videography, or prose, the ability to craft a narrative that makes the audience feel something, think something, and do something is so important. I want to continuously develop that capacity here at Enlight and use it to encourage learners to think critically and to become informed consumers of information.


I began my career with Prentice Hall in 1995. Driven by my love of messaging and creating emotional connections with customers, I shifted from sales to marketing, reaching Vice President of Marketing at Pearson.

In 2011, I developed the role of Vice President / Creative for Higher Education, changing the way Pearson created and promoted customer-centric video content. In 2016, I was promoted to Vice President / Global Creative.

My lengthy career led me to found Enlight Media with Monica Ohlinger and Chuck Arida. At Enlight, I do what I love to do most—create video content that connects emotionally with students and instructors alike and facilitate better educational experiences that encourage a lifelong love of learning.

I live in Harlem USA with my partner Allison and our dog/roommate Huey.