Renee Eckhoff


How would your colleagues describe you?



I've been a content developer at Ohlinger Studios since 2007. I've gained extensive experience in learning design, author management, and educational content development for print and digital platforms. Recently, I've enjoyed working in video production and script writing, which marries my addiction to movies with my professional endeavors.

Early in 2020, I was introduced to lesson development and associated components for K-12 online blended learning courses, as well as some familiarity with national academic standards alignment throughout the K-12 sphere. I've also become heavily involved in content development for workforce learning, utilizing various LMSs and authoring platforms.

For Enlight Media and their video production workflow, I have helped develop project management standards for consistent processes and vendor management, including client/vendor on-boarding, budgeting, task coding, forecasting cash flow, and invoicing.

I am adept at problem-solving. I rely on prior educational sales experience to inform innovative development plans, and I excel at project management. I believe proficient communication and collaboration are key ingredients to successful creative outcomes.